May 22, 2023

How To Sharpen An Argentine Asado Grill Knife

Argentine barbecue knives are the essential tool of every good “parrillero”. When it comes to dominating the Argentine Asado and becoming a grill master, having a great knife is key to getting the job done well!  Keeping the grill tools and maintaining your Asado in perfect condition is vital in the grilling process. Here, we […]

Jason Pittock

May 22, 2023

Argentine barbecue knives are the essential tool of every good “parrillero”. When it comes to dominating the Argentine Asado and becoming a grill master, having a great knife is key to getting the job done well! 

Keeping the grill tools and maintaining your Asado in perfect condition is vital in the grilling process.

Here, we will tell you a few easy and effective sharpening techniques you can use at home with a few basic tools, and then we will look at some of the best knife care practices along with the 5 knives every grilling chef should own! 

Carborundum Stone Sharpening Technique

To sharpen your barbecue knives or steak grilling knives, it is necessary to have a very fine-grained carborundum stone. Generally, we can find the stone embedded in a suitable wood sleeve that will give it firmness and allow you to apply pressure to the blade when sharpening, and you can buy it in hardware stores.

The Carborundum stone sharpening technique is a method used to sharpen blades and cutting tools. It involves the use of a Carborundum stone, which is a type of abrasive material made from silicon carbide. The Carborundum stone is typically a rectangular block with coarse and fine grit sides.

To sharpen a blade using the Carborundum stone, the stone is first soaked in water for a few minutes to ensure it is properly lubricated. Then, the blade is held at a consistent angle against the coarse grit side of the stone, and a back-and-forth motion is applied to the blade while maintaining the angle. This action helps to remove dullness and create a new cutting edge. Once the desired sharpness is achieved, the process is repeated on the fine grit side of the stone to refine and polish the edge. The sharpening technique requires skill and precision to maintain the correct angle and pressure throughout the process.

Overall, the Carborundum stone sharpening technique is an effective and popular method for sharpening blades. It is often used for sharpening kitchen knives, chisels, scissors, and other cutting tools. However, it is important to note that this technique requires practice and care to avoid damaging the blade or creating an uneven edge. Regular maintenance and proper sharpening techniques can help prolong the lifespan and performance of blades, ensuring they remain sharp and efficient for various cutting tasks.


How do I know when the knife is shapened?

Knowing when a knife is sharpened requires some observation and testing. Here are a few indicators to determine if a knife is sharpened:

  1. Visual inspection: Look at the edge of the knife under good lighting. A sharpened knife will have a clean and consistent edge without any visible nicks or dull spots. The blade should appear uniformly sharp and reflective.
  2. Paper test: Take a piece of paper and try cutting it with the knife. A sharpened knife should effortlessly slice through the paper with minimal resistance. If the blade cuts smoothly and cleanly without tearing the paper, it is an indication of sharpness.
  3. Vegetable test: Another way to assess the sharpness is by cutting through different vegetables or fruits. A well-sharpened knife will effortlessly glide through the food items, creating clean, precise cuts without crushing or bruising the produce.
  4. Finger or thumbnail test (with caution): Caution is advised when conducting this test. Lightly run your finger or thumbnail across the edge of the blade at a perpendicular angle. A sharpened knife will feel noticeably sharp, with a slight grip on your nail or skin. Exercise extreme caution and do not apply excessive pressure to avoid injury.

Remember, sharpening is a gradual process, and it may take some time and practice to achieve the desired level of sharpness. Additionally, different knives have different sharpening requirements, so it’s essential to consider the type of blade and its intended purpose when evaluating its sharpness.

grilling knife

The Sandpaper Knife Sharpening Technique

The Sandpaper Knife Sharpening Technique is a method of sharpening knives using sandpaper as an abrasive surface. This technique is a cost-effective alternative to traditional sharpening stones or honing rods. It involves the use of various grits of sandpaper, which are available in different levels of coarseness.

To sharpen a knife using the Sandpaper Technique, start by selecting a piece of sandpaper with a coarse grit, such as 200 or 400. Place the sandpaper on a flat surface, like a table or a cutting board, and ensure it is secured in place. Hold the knife at a consistent angle against the sandpaper, usually between 10 to 20 degrees, and move the blade across the sandpaper using a back-and-forth or circular motion. Apply light pressure and maintain a steady angle to remove the dullness from the edge.

After a few strokes on the coarse grit sandpaper, progress to a finer grit, such as 800 or 1000, to refine the edge and remove any scratches left by the coarser grit. Repeat the same sharpening motion on the finer grit sandpaper until the desired level of sharpness is achieved. Finally, a leather strop or a piece of denim can be used to polish and further refine the blade.

It is important to note that the Sandpaper Knife Sharpening Technique requires patience and practice to maintain the correct angle and achieve a consistent edge. Additionally, using progressively finer grits of sandpaper helps to achieve a sharper and smoother edge. Regularly inspect the blade’s sharpness through visual inspection or performing tests such as the paper or vegetable test to determine if the desired level of sharpness has been achieved.

Knife Care Best Practices

Proper knife care is essential to maintain the performance, longevity, and safety of your knives. Here are some best practices for knife care:

  1. Handwashing: It is generally recommended to wash knives by hand rather than in a dishwasher. Use warm water, mild dish soap, and a non-abrasive sponge or cloth to clean the blade. Avoid harsh scrubbing or soaking the knife for extended periods, as this can lead to damage or corrosion.
  2. Immediate drying: After washing, thoroughly dry the knife with a clean towel to prevent water spots and minimize the risk of rust or corrosion. Moisture left on the blade can promote oxidation, especially in high-carbon steel knives.
  3. Storage: Store knives in a safe and secure manner to protect the blades and prevent accidents. Consider using a knife block, magnetic knife strip, knife sheaths, or blade guards to keep them organized and shielded from potential damage.
  4. Cutting surface: Use appropriate cutting surfaces that are gentle on the blade. Wooden cutting boards or synthetic materials like high-density polyethylene (HDPE) are recommended. Avoid cutting on hard surfaces such as glass, granite, or ceramic, as they can dull the knife’s edge.
  5. Honing: Regularly use a honing steel or honing rod to maintain the knife’s edge alignment and sharpness. Honing doesn’t actually remove metal but rather straightens the blade’s microscopic teeth. This should be done before or after each use to keep the blade in optimal condition.
  6. Sharpening: Periodically sharpen your knives to restore the sharp edge. This can be done using sharpening stones, electric sharpeners, or professional sharpening services. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions or seek guidance from professionals to ensure proper sharpening technique.
  7. Proper knife usage: Use knives for their intended purposes. Avoid using them for tasks such as prying, twisting, or cutting through bones, as these actions can damage the blade. Select the right knife for each cutting task to prevent unnecessary strain or potential accidents.

By following these best practices, you can maintain the sharpness, functionality, and safety of your knives, ensuring they serve you well for a long time.

Do I need to oil my knife?

Whether or not to oil your knife depends on the type of knife and the materials used in its construction. Here are some guidelines regarding knife oiling:

  1. Carbon steel knives: Carbon steel knives are more prone to rust and corrosion compared to stainless steel knives. It is generally recommended to oil carbon steel blades to protect them from moisture and oxidation. Apply a thin layer of food-grade mineral oil or a specific knife oil to the blade, and wipe off any excess after application.
  2. Stainless steel knives: Stainless steel knives have inherent corrosion-resistant properties. However, if you live in a high-humidity environment or use the knife in wet conditions, applying a light coat of oil can provide an extra layer of protection. It is not as critical as with carbon steel knives, but it can still help prevent any potential rusting.
  3. Folding knives: For folding knives with pivot points and moving parts, a drop of oil on the pivot area can help maintain smooth operation and prevent rust. Use a light machine oil or a specialized knife lubricant and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  4. Non-metal components: If your knife has handles or other non-metal components made of materials like wood, bone, or synthetic materials, it is beneficial to periodically apply appropriate oil or conditioner to keep them moisturized and prevent drying or cracking.

Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for knife care and maintenance, as specific guidelines may vary depending on the knife’s materials and construction. Regular cleaning, drying, and storage in a dry environment are essential for maintaining the longevity and performance of your knives.

Should I keep my grill knife in a leather sleeve?

Keeping a grill knife in a leather sleeve can offer several benefits, but it’s important to consider a few factors before making a decision:

  1. Protection: A leather sleeve can provide protection to the knife blade when it’s not in use. It helps prevent accidental nicks, scratches, or damage to the blade, especially during storage or transportation.
  2. Safety: The leather sleeve adds an extra layer of safety, reducing the risk of accidentally cutting yourself or damaging other objects when reaching for the knife. It creates a barrier between the sharp edge and your hand or other items in proximity.
  3. Portability: If you frequently carry your grill knife to different locations or events, a leather sleeve can help keep the blade protected during transport. It minimizes the chances of the knife coming into contact with other objects that could cause damage.

However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Moisture and cleaning: Leather is susceptible to moisture and can absorb liquids, which may lead to mold or deterioration. Ensure that the knife is clean and dry before placing it in the leather sleeve to prevent trapping any moisture. Regularly inspect and clean the leather sleeve as needed.
  2. Proper fit: Make sure the leather sleeve fits the knife properly. A snug fit will securely hold the knife in place, preventing it from slipping out accidentally. If the sleeve is too loose, it may not provide adequate protection.
  3. Ventilation: Ensure the leather sleeve allows for adequate ventilation. Moisture trapped inside a closed leather sleeve can promote rust or corrosion on the knife blade. If possible, choose a sleeve design that allows air circulation or periodically remove the knife from the sleeve to let it breathe.

Ultimately, the decision to use a leather sleeve for your grill knife depends on personal preference and how you plan to store and transport the knife. It can offer protection and safety benefits, but it’s important to properly maintain both the knife and the sleeve to ensure optimal functionality and longevity.

How do the top grilling chefs keep their knives?

Top grilling chefs often prioritize proper knife care to ensure their knives remain in optimal condition. Here are some common practices they follow for knife maintenance:

  1. Clean and dry: After using their knives, top chefs clean them promptly using warm water and mild dish soap. They pay attention to removing any food residues or debris from the blade and handle. Once cleaned, they thoroughly dry the knives to prevent moisture from causing rust or corrosion.
  2. Store in a knife roll or bag: Many professional chefs use a knife roll or bag specifically designed for storing and transporting knives. These storage solutions have individual compartments or slots to securely hold each knife, preventing them from knocking against each other and potentially getting damaged.
  3. Blade protection: Chefs often use blade guards or sheaths to protect the knife edges. These guards can be made of plastic, felt, or other materials that cover the blade and provide a cushioned layer of protection. They help prevent accidental cuts and keep the blades safe during storage.
  4. Honing and sharpening: Regular maintenance of the knife’s edge is crucial. Chefs use honing steels or honing rods to realign the blade’s edge and keep it sharp between sharpening sessions. Additionally, they sharpen their knives periodically using sharpening stones or other appropriate sharpening tools to restore the blade’s sharpness.
  5. Proper handling and usage: Top chefs handle their knives with care, avoiding using them for tasks they are not designed for, such as prying or cutting through bones. They choose the right knife for each specific task to minimize the risk of damage to both the knife and themselves.

By following these practices, top grilling chefs ensure their knives remain in excellent condition, allowing them to work efficiently and safely. Proper cleaning, storage, and maintenance contribute to the longevity and performance of the knives, enabling chefs to deliver high-quality culinary creations.

The 5 knives every grilling chef should own

Every grilling chef or Parillero (Argentine Asado) should have a set of essential knives that cater to their grilling and cooking needs. Here are five knives that are commonly considered indispensable:

  1. Chef’s Knife: A versatile, all-purpose knife, the chef’s knife is a must-have for any grilling chef. Its broad blade and sharp edge make it ideal for a wide range of tasks, such as chopping vegetables, slicing meat, and mincing herbs. It offers excellent control and efficiency in the kitchen.
  2. Paring Knife: A paring knife is a small, maneuverable knife with a pointed blade. It is perfect for delicate tasks that require precision, such as peeling fruits and vegetables, deveining shrimp, or trimming small ingredients. Its compact size and fine control make it invaluable for intricate work.
  3. Serrated Knife: A serrated knife, often known as a bread knife, features a long, toothed blade. It is indispensable for slicing through crusty bread, buns, and other baked goods. Additionally, the serrations are useful for cutting through soft or delicate foods without crushing or squishing them, such as tomatoes or citrus fruits.
  4. Boning Knife: A boning knife is designed for working with meat, making it essential for grilling chefs. Its thin, flexible blade allows for precise maneuvering around bones, joints, and cartilage. It is useful for trimming fat, deboning poultry, or filleting fish.
  5. Cleaver: A cleaver is a heavy, sturdy knife with a wide, rectangular blade. It excels at tasks that require strength and power, such as breaking down large cuts of meat, splitting poultry, or smashing garlic cloves. Its weight and thick spine make it a versatile tool for grilling and other heavy-duty tasks.

These five knives provide a solid foundation for a grilling chef’s toolkit. However, knife preferences may vary based on individual cooking styles and preferences. It is essential to choose high-quality knives that feel comfortable and well-balanced in your hand, as they greatly contribute to the efficiency and enjoyment of your grilling experience.

How To Sharpen An Argentine Asado Grill Knife
Article Name
How To Sharpen An Argentine Asado Grill Knife
Here, we will tell you a few easy and effective sharpening techniques you can use at home with a few basic tools and some of the best knife care practices.
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Argentine Asado

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