I don’t know the exact amount of times I have shared an Argentine Asado, but one thing I can be sure of, each Asado is an experience. It's the centerpiece of memories with friends, family, and even business partners.
During my 20s I began to explore the Argentine culinary world and practice my Argentine grilling skills, one of my close friends who is an Asado master helped hone my craft and learn techniques that would serve me well in years to come.
The more I explored the Argentine food scene the more I found how much it had to offer. Ever since I have had a firm belief that Argentina has so much to show and tell when it comes to food and fire!
I found through the years, and especially during the pandemic, how important having a passion such as cooking or grilling was for my mental health. The enriching and rewarding experience of being in contact with food and the process changed me.
It helped me connect with the present and enjoy a moment when things around me were not as positive as I would have liked them to be.
I started the Argentine Asado project in August 2022. My objective is to show the Argentine grilling experience in English to the world. Providing a window into this cultural heritage of the authentic Argentine Asado.
Give Argentine cuisine a voice and elevate the Argentine Grilling to another level!
At first, this “passion” project was me publishing recipes and articles on the website and recording some simple grilling videos on my YouTube channel.
Since then the website has grown and my channel too. Each week I like to publish content on my site and channel, as well as on my Instagram.
You can access my socials here: